How Hotdogs Are Made

There are many steps in the process of making hotdogs:

  1. Meat is selected and placed into a mixer. Spices are added and the mixture is ground into a batter called an "emulsion."
  2. The emulsion is then pumped into a stuffer-linker machine, where it flows into casings. The hotdogs are made into long links.
  3. Next the hotdogs are sent to the smoke house to be cooked.
  4. After being smoked and cooked, the hotdogs are sprayed with cold water. They are sent through a peeler where the casings (i.e., skins) are removed.
  5. The hotdogs are then sent to the packaging area where they are vacuum-sealed in plastic film.
  6. Finally the hotdogs are ready to be shipped to stores and vendors.